I find it difficult to picture what kind of laminate should go into our 16ft x19ft sized living room. Choices, choices. The living room has two huge windows leading to the porch and while they are pretty big, I am afraid that the room is not entirely bright due to the canopied porch.
I always pictured the laminate to be a warmer, darker color. Like walnut wood. We also quite liked the look of the cottonwood tree laminate, so we took these two as samples home. Last weekend the hubby and Serge came home with cherry wood and a darker maple, which looked lovely but hasn’t got that “warm feel” to it and reminds us of the light maple floors we have in our current place.
It did however have the old wooden floorboard kind of look (and feel) to it. So now we’re really not sure.
This is how Jack and Jill decorated the room. Hating the flooring, the colors, the wall structure but the room is really not that bad if you look beyond all the decorating mess.
Here are the four samples for the laminate, which one do you like best?
from left to right: walnut, cottonwood, cherry and maple
links nach rechts: Nussbaum, Pappel, Kirsche und Kernahorn
Es ist schwer sich vorzustellen, mit welchem Laminat wir unser 30m² großes Wohnzimmer auslegen sollen. Uns schwebte ein schöner, warmer, etwas dunkleres Laminat, a la Nussbaum, vor.
Da das Wohnzimmer aber trotz der beiden riesigen Terrassenfenster, aufgrund der überdachten Veranda, nicht das hellste ist, sind wir hier zögerlich. Der Lieblingsmann und der Adoptivbruder brachten von ihrem letzten Baumarktbesuch Proben von Kirsche und Kernahorn mit. Me likey beides…..Wer die Wahl hat, hat die Qual. Welches gefällt Euch am besten?
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