Sunday, 7 March 2010

The Köttbullar Giant, the Witch and the Wardrobe

With the hallway finished we were finally able to head out and buy a wardrobe. What a relief to no longer having to think where I put my coat the night before.

We were lucky and unknowingly made a great Deal at the wellknown blue and yellow furniture store. A couple of weeks back I saw the wardrobe that I wanted but since we had no space to put it yet, we didn’t buy it. Good thing too, because yesterday, when we went out to buy it, it was heavily reduced when you owned an IKEA Family card. Originally we would have paid € 89 and € 79, so € 168 for both pieces but paid only € 29 and € 19 and saved a whopping € 120, which left enough to splurge on the huge mirror.

Jetzt, da der Flur endlich fertig ist hatten wir endlich Gelegenheit eine Garderobe zu kaufen. Welch eine Erleichterung sich nicht mehr fragen zu müssen, wo man am Vorabend seine Jacke hingehängt hatte.

Unwissentlich haben wir als Besitzer der IKEA Family Card dann auch noch ein großartiges Schnäppchen gemacht. Die Garderobe, die ich ohnehin kaufen wollte, gab es dann statt für € 89 und € 79, also € 168 für € 29 und € 19, also sagenhafte € 120 Ersparnis. Man muss auch mal Glück haben. So blieb am Ende sogar noch genug Geld für einen grossen Spiegel.




Melisa Wells said...

I AM GETTING SO EXCITED ABOUT (HOPEFULLY) COMING THIS SUMMER! My fingers are crossed so tightly that I think I'm having circulation problems! :)

The Wife said...

Melisa Hehe, I'd like to see you with all ten fingers still intact, so please don't cross so tightly. I know how you feel though because I am equally excited.